Thursday, May 5, 2011

winter provisions

Create the conditions in the river regulation, to achieve the water, water, underwater biodiversity, ecological rehabilitation of water and gradually, via the character of the food chain, digest and absorption of outer sources of pollution, and improve self-purification capacity of water bodies.
1, the construction and rehabilitation Nature-based bank, to establish the practice of biodiversity
waterside construction and rehabilitation of natural-based bank is in the river regulation and construction of the water environment, not less hard matters, and to do anything feasible type of slope protection of natural,beijing escort, create an environment for the growth of biological diversity.
Zizhu Minhang District, not only in the intending and construction of a actual increase in the water area; and focus on the natural type of water system construction of waterside environment. has been mansion up the waters, you can include as generous man-made terrain, colorful, lawn slope, natural, fresh, stone thighs, especial savor, biodiversity, water quality, clear profit. At present, although still mansion them; but the effect of the ecological environment has been shown that the Huangpu River coast clear water and green natural landscape, widely spread in Minhang District, every daytime folk come here particularly for contact afterward different without a break, human like the green slope, green waters, the clear river.
Zizhu River Nature Coast
New Jiangwan City in Yangpu District water system in the building when the introduction of the concept of ecology, a model has been built without a structural engineering area, it seems clear water shore green, eco-nature, forest and water dependent, scenic , waterside school of natural scenery, faintly visible reflection in the water,shenzhen massage, team after group of people to visit, always to be highly reckoned.
Lijiang River in the river water is also profitable external specifics. there is no rigid architecture, where to see the river bent, with one mind, where clear water offshore looking green, natural scenery, inside look at bridges,shenzhen massage, airing avenues, looking out Water style, urban countryside. Although smaller than the periphery of the water quality within the river water However, the monitoring of water body is Ⅳ, A fifth value, more important is the overall evaluation, the external water environment is not necessarily worse than the inside.
. HTML River Municipal Water Department and the Tongji University and other units cooperation, the introduction of Japanese green cement technology, correction in the Jiading District Qiujiang tested and effected great success in the concrete slope ashore the green to try to grow a variety of plants, less than a annual a piece of green, lush growth, further the lusted achieve. this technology, which must be built on the creek bank protection ambition be hard to promote greater merit.
Minhang District, changing conceptions in river regulation, conditional use of the normal slope protection are fighting Creek arrange the lumber piles in the water's brim, to do a river as the normal ecosystem; Big Bang-rich side in a space built in the grass, shrubs, mainly of the natural slope protection, in the absence of space on the other side of the waters of some species of Ting water plants; West Australian pool on the flood wall on both sides are upright, yet the article in the waters start to fashion with emergent plants; eight feet of natural-type channel is entirely completed the slope, these regional conditions and practices, have made agreeable effect and social personality.
2, the practice of biodiversity, water, biodiversity, water
is stocked in the water and cultivating aquatic plants and a variety of aquatic animals, to repair the water food chain, to purify the water quality purpose.
Minhang District Jing high gate in late 2003 after remediation, to improve the river water, creating urban water landscape, planted in March 2004 cattail, water onion, thousands of flexion vegetables, yellow iris, water lilies and other aquatic varieties plants. These aquatic plants according to their different biological characteristics, decomposition of adverse materials in water, in improving water quality has played a significant effect, not only improved water quality and water plants well liked by the local residents similarly.
Tangqiao Park River and the Pudong New Area Zhangjiabang the same, most of the water for the false excavation, was semi-closed state. In order to build the park and enhance the characteristics of self-purification capacity of water bodies, parks, beach and water managers in a great many of emergent plant , drifting and submerged plants. Among them, a cloud of local varieties, but also from abroad, a broad variety, everything, so that the park has convert a infrequent aquatic park. at the scene, we see that under the searing sun, many fishing enthusiasts dedicated to seduce water fish, groups of people watching the colorful aquatic plants. in the area approximately the high buildings of city center, the diversity of aquatic life not only to purify the water, but also full of life and the surrounding water, forming a the metropolis a 亮丽风景线.
we saw in the investigation and study, the aquatic Zizhu water so crystal clear introduction of the Huangpu River, forming the King good water good water environment; New Jiangwan City water on the inside build up a stop of wetlands, has embodied the purification of water features, the future can not be underestimated; Senna left bank of the waters there are some aquatic plants and animals, whereas not much,as yet the Arctic Circle, but the effect can not be underestimated; savage slave Jing's The same waters are also some aquatic life and animals and even water hyacinth floating mattress in the ring, not only have naught to terror, on the contrary have a greater role in water purification.
water, biodiversity, not only will destroy the water self-purification a long-term stability of the road; but likewise the formation of a distinctive urban and rural places, unique scenery water landscape.
3, and create underwater forests and create underwater forests
practice namely apt create the practice of black algae, Elodea algae, Ceratophyllum, Vallisneria and other immersed plants and water lilies and additional floating-leaved aquatic plant chiefly to the digestion and transformation of water and nutrients within the sediments, combined with a built aquatic category, maintain ecological balance, purify The intention of the water.
Wuhan Branch of the aquatic surroundings Engineering Co., Ltd., Central Bang in Caoyang means using underwater forest eutrophic waters with great success. Caoyang August final year, Blue Green Algae, Central Bang, the accident of serious water blooms . Later, Wuhan Branch of Aquatic Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd., Central Bang Caoyang conducted a comprehensive renovation, the cardinal measure is the introduction of adaptability from the Taihu Lake basin, fertility is quite strong, extremely targeted water purification plants and animals natural aquatic species, less than a year longer Mimicengceng submerged plants, such as water under the forest in common, natural forgery of fish and benthic animals. water gradually suffered significant alterations, the monitor, dissolved oxygen, ammonia nitrogen and biochemical oxygen claim 五日volume, respectively Ⅰ, Ⅲ and Ⅰ class standard, comprehensive evaluation of class Ⅳ, A value index of 0.5, ranked 1st. Caoyang we saw in August last year, Central Bang, flower serious explosion of blue algae, a dark green, an smell of fish; Now we penetrate the Caoyang Ring Bang, the water favor a mirror reflection of the drawing, crystal clear, fish, mussels can dispute that it deserves to be in the best water quality inquiry and a learn.
remediation ago
Central Bang after remediation
Caoyang allows us to see the practice of submerged plants the role of water purification, drew enough consideration should be.
Problems and Countermeasures in Shanghai in the use of water ecological river training mend technology, governance and further enhance the black-odor water quality of water should be fully asserted the practice, the experience acquired should be summarized and promotion. However, we should also see there are still many deficiencies, must be very seriously and take fitting countermeasures. To amount up in the emulating areas:
1, a considerable digit of water sources is not outside the remove hack, crucial measures must be taken
It reflected the East Tributary salt ponds in Hong Kong, Hong Kong each month were 18,000 combatants and 8,000 tons of sewage into the River, most of the sewage into the river there are a heap of water bodies,shanghai escort, a considerable part of the river location and quantity of sewage unloaded into it does not. cut clear black and reek external sources is a fundamental measure for aquatic ecosystem restoration, improving the basis for self-purification capacity of water must lead to full attention and to take decisive measures.
2, the water is not enough biological diversity, water and ecological restoration should be based on the recovery of the food chain
ecological restoration of biodiversity is the opener to water in the investigation and study of the waters and biodiversity in general is not enough water, the water from the food chain really is not many recovery, most people applied by a germ, enzyme or enhanced growth and reproduction of some plants to eliminate the black smelly and improve water quality. It should be said, began when treatment is required to take these measures, the effect is obvious; but this continues there is no long-term hereafter evolution does not conform to the substantial situation of Shanghai river. aquatic ecosystem restoration should be based on the recovery of the food chain in the water, river water can not be regarded as ecological restoration of sewage treatment process, neither can improve water quality as water purification process.
3, aquatic ecosystem restoration and between theory and machinery the relationship between learning and practice there are many deficiencies, you need to study and explore in the practice of ecological restoration
water is highly scientific, but also a very complex job. in which the stage of aquatic ecosystem restoration, water, the principle of ecological restoration, The relationship between biological populations, different biological river water of different populations targeted, adjustable, biological populations with the formation of the food chain and there is not negative shock on other issues, also absence to clear in theory, research, practice, explore the argument. < br>. HTML 4, a catena of management do not reserve up, and ecological restoration in the water at the same time strengthen the management
water is a new ecological restoration work in the implementation of the water ecological restoration, we must strengthen management. Tojo O Tong 99 years after the treatment did not stick to it is a lesson in Hong Kong is also the example of the fighting, needy management is a prevalent problem. of aquatic plants to spring planting, summer tube, autumn, winter provisions, water, animals should all observe rational stocking and should disburse attention to prevention and control of pests and ailments; the same time, but also to strengthen water quality monitoring.
5, the spend of ecological restoration of water than maximum present river water treatment sector, capability, cost-effective to take the road < br> According to the knowing and inquiry, the current cost of ecological restoration of water generally high, ranging from 3 yuan every side, as many as 20 yuan each side, generally 5-7 yuan, 1 million cubic meters of water with maintenance fees, management fees a year to hundreds of thousands, or even higher than the water charges and sewage treatment fee less the same, many higher than the current capacity of social and units. To promote and amplify the aquatic ecosystem restoration, must take the low-cost effective course. In short, the long sprint to depend on microbial and enzyme to wash water is not a lasting solution, relying on water manipulation appliance to maintain the puddle of water is not namely likely, at lofty prices, a massive investment to cultivate water quality is unbearable.
water environment in Shanghai has made progress, along to water resources newsletter issued in 2003 reflected the spine of the city's 16 major rivers in the monitoring and evaluation, Ⅱ, Ⅲ class sections accounted because 13.1% of water, Section Ⅳ types of water accounted as 28.7%, Ⅴ and worse in section Ⅴ water 58.2%, likened with 2002, Ⅱ, Ⅲ type of water increased by 2.9 percent points, Ⅳ class section of water additional by 12.7 ratio points, Ⅴ class and Section Ⅴ water worse than a 15.6 percentage diminish, the city's river, lake water quality has improved significantly. In the fashionable situation, the social sectors for water environment management put amenable fashionable demands placed on water, an important ecological restoration program timetable. We ought work attach for the gradual rehabilitation of water ecology, to improve river, the water self-purification ability of the body, and make deserving contributions.

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