Thursday, April 28, 2011

folk peregrination at canoe. In the evening

Second, productive with the second show productive with beauty 1. Sheyang River is the water network in Northern Lixiahe region, large and small rivers woven into the water network, this network Sheyang River is in the agenda. It is the North Jiangsu Lixiahe largest drainage corridor, but also the cause of development of northern Jiangsu Hohai a golden canal transport, length of 198 kilometers, west Baoying Sheyang Lake, flows through Jianhu, Funing, coastal, Sheyang counties, potent, rushing sea. drainage area of ​​4036 square kilometers, raising a 400 million children, Yan Fu, elbow 40% of Lixia River area flood control, drainage, and 32 hectares of arable land irrigation tasks. to say that children Sheyang River is Yanfu Mother River, River of Life.
water capillary and person blood the same, love their sons and daughters of the river Sheyang the mother, even away from home from home, can not forget the nightmare of Sheyang River: ebb tide, surging flood, Fengkuang more so the great tide, the snow piled up a thousand; tide shore width, microwave lustrous glance of it even more attractive and moving on, straight favor West side. beautiful, not only has beautiful natural scenery, but also the beautiful myths and legends and cultural implications.
Sheyang Shiyang River Legend
always When large areas of this beach because of severe drought, hard times. Jade Emperor sent a pair of , and Looking back on a see ram, so nine out of eighteen the river bend. When the sheep among the river open to the Baoying, has been fully tired and can no longer push ahead. ewe tournament where palsy died there a large lake. Later, the people to commemorate the behalf of the people, According to legend, gradually, real origin of the Sheyang Lake. Sheyang Lake formerly known as radio Pei, is the largest lake in northern Jiangsu, as Ning County, , filling many silt at the sea east of action, by the lake into the sea of ​​the old channel length of the day and, accordingly, said the river or at the port. Subsequently, the light gradually Hailing River, Huai Rivers and streams cut-off city of Lake Weir, Lake body increasingly affected by silt. Apocalypse, Chongzhen years Su Jia Zui, Liu Pu Bay, built instrument Morokuchi has spill resolution, sediment the lake, the lake itself semi-flat land. then Government and the people all before Requests Jun old channel, cited the lake into the sea, the construction of the land all known Sheyang Lake. Qianlong Prefecture has the Hailing River upstream to. Since the ditch dredging shall be required to ditch into the river is dry and Sheyang Hailing river silt increasingly shallow tributary of the river has transform a Sheyang. shall be from the ditch and when I do not understand the appoint, South of canal transportation Yuan after this throng, it is also known Caohe. residents through its tidal and sea, it is also known as Chao. It finishes on the order of Ma water, to be Donggou shrimp corner eastwards jaws, rushing rapids , has a Chaozong trend. to the hazy,toronto asian escorts, the water will be someone Tong River, river wide benefits, but also twists and turns north flow. The pagoda Bay, Peach Beach, Xu Bay, embark Mizoguchi, Yu mouth, then turns east to south Funing flow. and then by clams in Hong Kong, the garden first, two thousand 3 hundred forty-five flood Hong Kong, Li pointed, barracks, ports, off the southeastern Martin Zhujiadun. by Dong tip, future generations in Hong Kong, off the north peak to the University, then east, so tortuous along and the sea. continuous tidal exchanges, treatment stirring, it is a large bay. river channel kneel is really the outcome of tidal backwater.
tolerance is
Sheyang River there is a lake, a swing, there is Island, a bridge, a gate, a shore, the water has freshwater treasures, the beautiful landscape on the water, which in the plain area is especial.
mouth upstream Kowloon, Ma Dang area, Hudang chained, River and Beach-phase inclusion; crab pool, pond dotted, spotted fishing boat, reedy, ducks and geese in teams with one of water flooding scene. Baoying is located in Kowloon port, built Lake, Funing coalition of three counties, nine rivers in this assembly, the surface of a floating island, Kowloon grab the formation of beads trend. King from heaven, called Wonderful.
Yongxing River area, there are tributaries staggered; hazy pagoda longer stand this, the production of human vicissitudes; peach Bay long days of clear water, gulls Lu Fei Xiang.
town Joss House Bay, the antique One of the famous Bund; the venue and into the scene here, confusing. South Bank too invested tens of millions yuan, covers one space of ​​nearly 7 million square meters, can accommodate thousands of people gathering in the People's Square, set green flowers fountain sculpture, European pillars in 1, large climate. Funing metropolis lighting project namely apt lighting erections ashore either sides of the chief line apt lying aboard the current Funing Sheyang River Bridge, New Bridge, Funing Bridge, Dongfeng Bridge, Chuanchang River Bridge for the compare, the number of high-rise mansions to blossom in the atmosphere ; Rose , Dream Funing, Island, King Island and so one normal isle, circled by green water, blue waves; a fishing ship in the water, the village cigarette; leisure duck obtain interesting, Gao gulls hanging the United States. stretches onward both sides of the towering dam, tarn prescript, the grain into slices, fruit forest.
frame in Sheyang River Bridge, in addition to the Sheyang Sluice has established after the liberation, Funing Bridge, the bridge ages, but in recent years, Chen has built a large bridge, Heli Bridge and a array of Funing City Bridge, and so on.
Sheyang River fertile taint and rich productions. rice, wheat, beans, peanuts, corn, sorghum and other grains and cereals everything, agreeable quality.
Sheyang River fish are savory and rich in traits. Needless to mention fish and clams, mussels, crabs in the world only solution Sheyang River. Tsim umbilical those oil filled, emulsion thick Navel persons; an eight-foot two claws, all full of pearly snow fine meat, such as agate are cream with red, yellow fuel just like honey are fineness, aroma, savor Ruin. from Sheyang gate is completed, the crab has been so much better than old; but Ma still swing quite well known large blue crab The. According to old memories, Sheyang River produced a silver fish, approximately two three inches, as large as the little finger. born white transparent body is silver, white, cooked into a muddy white jade-like. twist the deal to the first time with gut out, and then cleaning, and Dan Hua soup, palatable. tender no scales, bones soft and crisp, with the bones to eat without the smell. The fish produced in the early summer. There is dissimilar angler, out of radio Yang River tributaries into a river silt, ocher black fish, approximately two inches just about, flat pate, smooth tip circular, Zhuangruo pipa. it is also tender and scales, bone soft crunchy, savor great pulchritude. The fish produced in the autumn and winter pay.
Sheyang river reeds and the same raw emotion of homesickness, there was a coming out of the old home island of Taiwan people have so depicted Funing Sheyang River clusters of reed home: trees, waving in the breeze, reflect the water into a fun, head of the excursion boat kick the line, Yayun such as streaming; fragrance explosions, refreshing, even more comfortable. autumn pole pole headed and discolor flowers, vast amplitude of a large, very much like the lake covered with a membrane of the Titanic, but also matchless beauty of its fleece blankets, more like smokes to the ground. so evenly divided, extraordinary Yan. Like the views of the.
humanity and Shui Ling Yun
brought Sheyang River of Hope, out of many famous since antique periods, many celebrities left their heroic extravaganza and poetry. connate Sheyang celebrity Han River has Zang Hong, Chen Lin, Chen Yung et al. Southern Song Dynasty have Lu Xiufu. Sheyang Ming has a river going out from the general called Hui Bao, Xu Bay natural, force is excellent. Jiajing years Chin inquired to take Juzhou a river to the sea from the Sheyang, a tornado, the tide suddenly drip, Beaching, not under the boat. Hui Bao meet see it, people suddenly incited right arm to push the boat into deep water. chin so quite Haiyi, him to suggest it in the Shu Fu, acknowledged naval post. afterward the promised conservation from the levy of Liaoyang, reiterated construction exploit, was enhanced to the General Code of security. Xu Bay General weir, efforts to ditch the site. modern influential figures Youzhu sufferers attention are red, There Qiao Guanhua and Zhou Keyu, Zhu Xun, and technological and scientific elite and other political Toshihiko.
many celebrities in Sheyang River left an indelible footprint. Tang riot Huang Chao Yu Linhe port in Tuen military fortification, then people to this place called the ) union through Sheyang River dredging to decrease flooding, which lasted 7 months and off the floor; people to gratitude for his kindness, primarily to the challenges of the earthworks for the pier, were at Zhang Jian Qing Dynasty savant who had set up in the salt reclamation. New Fourth Army leaders Liu Shaoqi, Chen Yi, Chen Pixian, Huang Kecheng, Zhang Aiping, Hong Xuezhi, etc., have in this piece of land on the combat of life before, and Yancheng people forged a mysterious friendship. < br> Ancient Lake in Sheyang (or Creek) leaving many beautiful poems, famous boasts an, Wang Shi-Zheng, Shang ren, Liu Qin areas, Yang Ruiyun, Pan Yu, Guo nine have, Xu Jin, Song Cao, Nguyen The Yan et al. Kong Shangren the were not the Deng, Han-Xing Brasenia perch all unlawful. Who knows Fishermen team cold, air and rain dream Ziwei drifting weeds. . book persona Yin students to emotion, buckle the gate so humble words Tao. red tape fed by the injection test Sang, Yu Ji old way hard to find the memorial. who offer a Mige Maps, Mo Temple Qinshou envoys to know. see and feel along the river either. a number of years, through the vicissitudes of Sheyang river changed, and today we can still watch from the poem to the former Sheyang in the natural beauty of the river: go navigate a few slices of shadow,guangzhou escort, far cry residual flute. back. people into a pan-boats, reed reed rich good lumber. vancomycin Chaozong Road, who can change the provision to? drying, so Reiki is not diminished. (along a single nation)
2. Ma Ma Dang Dang is located in the southwest siteline of Funing, and four counties adjacent the three cities is a vast area in Northern swamp Lixiahe, Dang District an area of ​​nearly three million acres. Gouhe facet, swing contiguous beach, known as Ning through White Horse. , North of the east seashore constantly goes on, the vast lakes, where the original shallow water gradually appropriate bare land, low-lying areas that become a swing beaches, marshes and other wetlands. Song Jian Yan year (AD 1128 years), the Yellow River Huai away after the large invasion of the sand covered with Huang Tao Jiangsu earth, a lot of sand with the flood rushed into the Ma flood low-lying place finishes, etc., where the original deposition in the land neat and shallow , the backlog of water and suddenly Dong Benxi in the swing area, washed into the river facet. vast Hudang Sheyang Lake in the emerging process, divided into several blocks, such as swing Sheyang, harvesting swing, blue groove swing, sand Zhuang finishes and so on. It is said, the vast lake in Sheyang 64 swing districts, situated in Fort Ma swing, the largest area.
Today, Ma swing clear-bottomed, beautiful scenery, rich products, there's Jiangsu Shajiabang glory.
Ma Dang water virtually no pollution. Here the production of fresh water, game variety is also very rich and famous. swing area with fish, turtles, crabs, snakes and other wild beasts and 64 species of wood Po, Ling, lotus basis, Gorgon and other 75 kinds of wild plants. where there are 36 kinds of aquatic products. swing district has long been that big stage on the water this part enriching interpretation.
vast Ma swing changes in the morasses for thousands of years, has amassed a cloud of Unique Culture of Water, produced many beautiful people anecdotes, songs and customs.
on Ma Dang causes, Ma Dang people keep up with the times of a touching story. It is said that in the Ming Dynasty, was born in Ma Dang's Jiangsu Ming Shima good, wandering through Zhenjiang , coincides with the Jinshan Temple recluse apologizing for acquisitions for rehabilitation of the Jinshan Temple, a grand reception, in the southern gentry to a number of seats they mean clearly written on her face. known as the brave Ma Liang of the gas in the alms writing surprised wrote son, and eventually reduced to beggars hh but Ma Liang finally fulfilled his promise, Jinshan Temple to Zoran sudden stand stately display its great. Now, Ma finishes in clear water around the swing small Island on the set Ma Liang's statue, and has a Maliang Ting, in honor of the horse family to be arrogant of who finishes.
Ma old swing, first and foremost glimpse, is the overwhelming reed, reed cover an underwater world. Every harvest season, and that the golden reed svelte, regional people said The lumber for the gold. These people who swing the race in the god, Ma swing in fishing nets, the main cloth by weaving Lo Po, and those who heap Hill plot Ling Lo Po knot been loaded on the big boat go sent in all instructions. reflects surroundings Everyday chart by water, is dined by the natural swing of the swing.
Xiaoju of the thieves. KMT's Ma Yuren martyred anti-Japanese generals after the residues of his nephew rate of more than one thousand dollars Yuting Ma Dang stationed. was in October, received the New Fourth Army Division Huang Kecheng adjust, become an momentous anti-Japanese armed .1948 in September, Yancheng Area Committee was established Ma Dang thieves , people's armed forces sneaking in the Ma of the Kuomintang deputies and swing along the stragglers, was thoroughly crush bandits.
Ma Dang has forever been a fisheries creation found. Republic of China, there have been sailor, inland fisheries fishermen. a long time, they are on land No settlement, which they drift in rivers and lakes throughout the year, school-age children not registered, and many generations of fishermen, ignorant .1964, the Funing Ma swing open up administration land-based fishermen household pilot from boat residents live on land with villages. Now people Ma Dang beyond improve the housing conditions, and some people still live in the establishing. People live and go here, merry to engage in pregnant labor, sweet anthem from the heart overflows.
Ma Dang aquatic rich. fishing is a traditional nag swing production and alive content. fishing people on board trained to extraordinary capability, what Yuxia Xie turtles can escape their hands.
There are a variety of fishing gear and fishing methods. casting a net to take fish The most mutual means. There are many types of networks, of which there is a viscous net,shenzhen escort, once the fish paste, not to get out. Some boats with castanets, castanets surprise move by knocking the fish network, pedal the fish into the bamboo fish trap.
Yazi special arrest eels, Fisherman its cleverly hidden in the weeds on the eel to a inviting people urn.
here are some people tended Osprey. ospreys fishing in the crew battle. Fisherman's boat light Boating , as the arena officer, deployed its forces; Osprey Li as employed thugs into the water, fishing has become warriors.
to sway into the water Gold Beach wasteland silver finishes, Ma ambition wag entire the waste ditch, consume pond , wasteland and low-lying farmland as the remediation of always sizes into the civilization Tangkou.
a flood control levee of 20 kilometers and is divided into the Ma Wei finishes outdoor the dam. Fair, the Tanaka a pool, pool outside the fields, rice and crab evenly divided, small bridges people. Fair, there are the real swing of the water, including the evolution and the remaining of the incipient plaster exterior. afar, crab pool order, clear water and smoke imprison, Lianhe Ying daytime, peddle, fish Xiang shallow end with one of the extensive gray of wetlands scene, really beautiful.
Ma Dang has large tracts of the dictate field, which is the development of the fruit., the greater the mu, smaller ones have ten acres. colossal lotus leaves, Tada embracing, green in the Qin Liang, breeze blowing, conceal their faces as beautiful, graceful dancing; That was July, cute smile, white lotus beginning up from the depths of the lotus arose among the piles, such as the Qiong Yao,we have to disburse care apt the safety of the venue and control . For example, as creamy, fragrance was very hot.
Ma Dang water to Qinglie, high-quality see wins, clear, such as jasper, Ming was can look instantly at the bottom. here a good natural environment, play a water purification role. Ma Dang people drinking home water, happy to have a healthy and sweet. Ma swing the water is not only raising the famed north and south of the swing crab, also raising a large number of The shrimp mussels and other aquatic turtles, very impressive jewelry mussel.
development reeds swing to send the horse home economy benefits. horse finishes in the enjoyment of affordable homes, but also miss the old days of the original plaster was covered reed appearance. then full swing fish; ducks, swans, geese, birds of manifold spiritual everything.
Ma lush swing of the water a hundred herbs, wild turbot, wild algae, beheaded water chestnut, Mission leafy vegetables, grow safely in the river inlet. sit on board, you can enjoy playing with ornamental plants in the bottom of the mix. ducks and geese and even the times before, playing in the water get waves, happy from the melody.
generations of people fishing boat is water transport. There are numerous vessels, every family has a boat, boat fishing, boat transportation, people travel by boat. In the evening, the fishermen returned back to Zhao, the port full of boats, the bow afterward to the bow. sun slowly sank in the horizon,beijing massage, spare not exertion to weakened Red gift to the fishermen.
Ma Dang renowned water, the growth in the water, the water come and go, children study while they get water. braided rill in summer, the kid play in the water, swim, vigorous, such as fish. beautiful girl fishing Huanyi rinse trays in water, restroom with long cilia, remove water below their shadows reflected.
made Huaidong temple restoration buildings, among by green water, a considerable size. Here are the largest in Northern Buddha, who after considerable house Jieyou. Zhong Qing sound carries distant. temple has become an important Buddhist Ma Dang resorts, tourist attractions, fascinating a large number of believers and visitors to visit the area.
Ma who is intending to build a swing a huge water park, set vacation, leisure and entertainment. Buddhist culture was to accommodate them. paradise of the landscape and its meaning will be attracted to burnout in people of Red Dust.
legend Magic Brush Ma Liang in a will painting world's most beautiful picture, then, Ma Dang's Ma Liang Is the Magic Brush Ma Liang? If so, today's Ma Dang picturesque, are also his heavenly strokes was come up?
Oh, Ma swing, a swing of living water , a swing scenery, a vibrant swing.
(Shun Shan Wang Baoming)
3. Jiangsu Paradise show in front of us of the ancient Yellow River, runs through the stretch, it is really spectacular, very tiny flavor of high loess slope and morale. Ancient Yellow River is actually a hailed as the modern the ancient Yellow River now. Huainan and Huaibei this point, and the Qinling Mountains and Huaihe River has been the first line of an important geographical dividing line; . Today, the ancient Yellow River no longer , patchwork, there are the high post, (embankment) what the mean breadth of 1_5 km; low, there Poon, ponds. the ancient Yellow River Bridge in Heshen lifted upon the board there, 329 provincial expressway pass through here, Nantong Fucheng, State Road 204; north through Lianshui, connecting Ningbo highway.
profound cultural backdrop
Huaihe culture as a bunk here, and afterward Huanghuai confluence, and overlapping the Yellow River culture Hunhuang color. The wheel of history in this piles on the run over, leaving a round after round of traces. embankment, the flood side of the people will find an old coin at intervals. Located near the ancient Yellow River Bridge south of living through dam , the National Government had the remains of the Huai River. works stopped deserving to the outbreak of war, under the thick dirt, still buried in the big iron construction that year. Therefore, people called this ;. This is also an important battlefield against Japanese invaders, the famous single-family fighting took place here in Hong Kong. the ancient sound of gunfire in the Yellow River and the New Fourth Army military history, the history of revolutionary struggle Yanfu left a cry Cui Xiang. Here was the New Fourth Army military location, location of the CPC Central Bureau, Central Bureau of the CPC Central Committee conference of the first site is still distending, and that ought be thought outdated house in a Party.
paradise dog that rebellious by the stone sheep, People have had this thought the camp Yangcheng, consider of the origins of the sheep camp, muse of the spiritual quality of the sheep. by a stone statue of the ancient village women and children consider of the Yellow River, the survival and sing songs of life, she was eagerly looking forward to what? He is a home did not return it? great heaviness by the Tao Huayuan that muddy stone grinding, a reminder of the ancient Yellow River exists in the agricultural civilization for thousands of years. Taohua Yuan Ancient Yellow River embankment where there is cumbersome weight, it is the twin ingredients of natural and male occasioned by the catastrophe is a stop fence, but also a historical and cultural collection.
harmonious social environment
place known as the Peach Blossom Spring, people naturally think of when Jin Tao in the The description of the variety of sunrise and sundown, enjoyable, inoffensive picture of the ideal of social life. living in the ancient Yellow River people, away from the hustle and bustle of city life, away from the urban industrial pollution, they in accordance with the rules of their own lives to live leisurely composure. They do not care how much asset do not care utilitarian gains and losses. they meet the free Hearty breathing, in the hard skirmish and aspire to improve the quality of life. This uncomplicated and honest, very little fighting; people and people blending, blending of man and nature. There are necessity building a harmonious society there is a spirit.
beautiful ecological environment
special geographical location, harmonious ecological environment superior. here The air is good, blue sky and clear water; soil is good, too bright bloom. Every spring, the marvelous exhibit of peach trees in full bloom, bloom Ruxia; with white pear, lustrous golden cauliflower, apple bright flowers here mingled into a sea of ​​flowers. Even the wild flowers at the foot of a small moving also bright. when the million and the ground cable hanging willow, green and sultry. spring that some color, here are the.
paradise in a wide kind of flowers and trees, cedar, ginkgo, black pine, camphor, acacia, laurel, magnolia, plum, pomegranate, Metasequoia, Bauhinia, red maple, rose, yellow Cimei, peony, chrysanthemum, can be depicted as fighting Yan Qun, an array . dozens of species of factories and trees with a medley of organic and not have anybody regrets down the place Jiaoren.
trees to the birds to cost extra than triumph. There are many bird category live in this habitat, including birds, trees and waterfowl. woodpecker, bulbul, kingfisher, orioles, egrets, larks everywhere, and no one mediate with their lives. nearby and loud birds here, from the spring and summer sing, sing from the autumn and winter.
here There are many passengers who come here to see peach outing. enjoy the style of ancient Yellow River and listen to the birds, smell the flowers, swinging a swing, some adjustment of life, it is most comfortable as this. This has opened a number of ancillary facilities, including the swing border, cable bridge, for visitors to see distraction. sheep Zhaizhen People's Government each year on April 8 as the Peach Blossom Festival, is of great significance. A few years ago, the famous calligrapher Wei Tianchi in amused to write down here, fruit, peach hh pollution, Drainage scenery with October 1950, during the Korean War, safeguarding the homeland and the campaign at the same time, the PRC Government Administration Council (the ancestor of the State Council) to bring 30 specialists and cadres composed of a Professor Hu Huanyong partake in the Group over the coastal south, the sea outlet to the pole of Hong Kong people, the North Jiangsu Irrigation Canal. absolute width of 168 km. flood, can be discharged from the 700 / cubic meters per second, the maximum unload capacity of up to 750 ~ 800 / s cubic meters, 2 times higher than in the mountains and rivers. irrigation of Q, may be cited 500 / 2,800 cubic meters per second Huaishui million mu of farmland irrigation. Huaihe River water northwardly from the implementation of the year, the total irrigation and drainage can still take responsibility for ensuring namely great areas of agricultural land stable crop. Since the end of high drainage from west to eastern to minus 3 to 6 m m, qu shui leads from the culvert, to the fields to gravity.
Articles of the excavation of large projects of almost 8,000, from 11 in 1951 began in mid-to early May the following year to complete, besides nigh the Spring Festival and Yu Xuetian, merely 80 substantial working days. It is Yancheng, Yangzhou, 118 million people around the two regions in the absence of excavators, trucks, and even shoes are without conditions, with a large shovel, willow baskets, pole, single cycle trolley, in the cold season, wearing sandals or bare feet, with water, trickle of dirt, silt, mortar and other difficult to fight and excavate into. < br> 1953 years representatives on the design and size, the masses of hard work, and mobilized, very impressed.
North Jiangsu Irrigation Canal within the total length of 44.7 km in Funing .1957 completed in 21 apertures Zhangji Funing waist gate , adjust the water class of .1975 was built on the downstream bolt Funing, hydropower, installed generator 7 (sets) 1400 kW. North Jiangsu Irrigation Canal is actually a set of irrigation, drainage, navigation, power generation, multi-functional channels. There the total drainage of irrigation will, Funing accomplish a large area of ​​dry change of water, dry land rice flower has become a peppery topic at that time and the latest picture.
Canal Nanti aid sorting through the wide, built in 309 provincial highway. along Drainage has shipped East Zhaqiao, Su mouth Bridge, Zhang set back gates, sheep Puzhi Fu Bridge, Coastal Bridge Lock, Tongyu Bridge, South Zhaqiao other six pile.
After transformation, Highway 309 has been shrunk , glossy, straight road, especially roadsides in forest, bamboo has become the weather, the provincial open green barrier. passing vehicles traveling in the clouds of the screen, the line was nice, the Bank may comfortable.
high fir forest, and planted along the incline, the lofty trunk straight, perpendicular and curtate view to see neither peremptory line. activating and breathable forest, we can see the hard-working hard ranger. Total canal bank side, we also see infrequent, old acacia trees, the old willow. Every summer, the sleet of the locusts flowers, Ruxia the paulownia flower dispense perfume, refreshing.
due to many years of lush green trees, green bamboo forest, more and patronize in a green water, has become a real ecological park here, not to advert rabbits and other small animals in the activities of the freely here, one here, as many as dozens of bird habitat types that are premonitory. numerous migratory birds There has long been regarded as the ideal place to raise a family.
for more efficacious flood control and drainage, to ensure the safety of Hongze Lake, a few years ago, has opened a new North Jiangsu Irrigation Canal and the Huaihe River were basically parallel to the sea alleys , wide sea lanes and the Huaihe River were the original North Jiangsu Irrigation Canal to form a very impressive scenery with. on the ground, the bridge and the bridge respective to way. Viewed from afar, white water gray, green trees Han Yan, Oulu Elique. Baiyun , blue sky, a bright sun hh so state, giving unlimited imagination and endless ease.
birds and the whistle with the Ming, green water with a total flow of vehicles, the total drainage nice view!
(single-country cis)
5. Qingshuitang , Qingshuitang the sea bottom of the pond, Old Course of Yellow River embankment of the Huaihe, the ancient original no embankment. Longqing, million years ask, before they have the embankment work. accordingly built one after another, then , Governor Jin Fu river mouth to the opening of a large building ladders off Huai embankment north and south, up to ten feet, collectively referred to as thread embankment. Nanti Bai Yang started, only stepladder clearance, long 330 years, beginning Beidi Qinghe River, just off ladder, about 200 miles. Tong Ying Section of the vulnerable speck is the south bank of the Yellow River, river buckling, combined with the Division River were unable to never had a spate of flood water radiate Sizhou many times.
thirty-five years Kangxi (1696) in June, Huai up. to 7 months, children must camp embankment. , Long Beach may contain a synopsis Vladimir under water, with a range of urban habitats by breakwaters, such as scales of public convergence, and the rain re-stretching, autumn and winter is not indeed .36, the water goes without. Town Records call to dead scurry makes waste. Refugees escaping the rugged, feeding grounds for a no money. > After the liberation, tremendous changes have taken place along Qingshuitang. Lo Po person ...

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