Saturday, April 23, 2011

supports the heaviness of life alternatively nature

Nature, the people godmother [Environmental Culture]
2006-04-13 Yun-Long Liu
of nature gave birth to life, aids the weight of life or nature? This is no the philosophy of the heading, made me often caught in deep into deep thought. When the SARS outbreak, bird flu strikes in the day, I was tortured himself in his heart over and over repeatedly, if this is or the nature of the advising is ? thousands of years, the literati poet's pen, play to a portrayal of the majestic landscape of the coils of nature poetry, which seems today, namely at most merely a rhetorical training in applause and greeted the savor, it is quite difficult beyond the center The awe of nature.
for of the lack of a sense of reverence as ecology, folk are getting more and lost feeling deterioration of the living context. We by the foot of the taint, water of life are experiencing serious pollution annual later year , those nigh us radiate approximately dangerous garbage is, we live in the superfluous use of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics are silently disabled their own immunity hh However, the indifference or numbness constantly hear folk knock on the door of catastrophe, On the inverse, due apt long-standing worship of GDP, but by the price of the ecological environment and life in interchange because its growth, we have taken the evolution of harmony with ecology direction.
However, nature has forever been our earnestly godmother, has been to, not without a weep or even a heavy heart, cautious and report credible with us: universal warming, rising snow line, rain wreak mayhem, soil erosion, species plummeted, desertification, biosphere disarray, geological disasters. but we are turning a blind eye , or just to encounter the spoken words to written txt and the impassioned, and turned around, still go its own way, the set of ecological safety in the behind of the head.
we have to preserve the godmother of nature awe, because only the terror of massive nature, nature will be variety, will be willing to mash some economy growth to defend the environment, health and sustainable economic development, ecological security will alteration our opinion towards the lack of consideration to elect a current value of life, consumption as well as environment friendly way of life. Now, I seem to hear that deep consciousness of nature godmother warned him: adore life, right from the start of green living; remedy nature right from the start hh
green development

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