Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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swiftlet bird's nest is With saliva , and the architectures made ​​of plumes and seaweed . This namely not a swiftlet bird's nest apartment , but the cradle of youth lives . They are here to lay eggs, hatch -feeding until the fashionable life in the blue sky Chuyan wings ,toronto escorts, mm , some nest Chung Cheng Yan lying odd -shaped egg : it is the long manner dull ends .
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to be done whereas the swiftlet nests , lay eggs , but highly intense labor, spring wreck will swiftlet saliva , L-carnitine , and finally were annihilated . Today Point of reading , China is left remaining of the swiftlet over a hundred merely .
research and evolution , the use of animal resources mm is science, and L-carnitine . fowls laid the golden egg , egg erasure of swiftlet forsook baby taken so Nest , but it is silly , even sinful . between the 2 , a distant wail ... ...
human ah! you are a monster, not of nature , you are so selfish ,toronto escorts, so bloody . For thousands of years , for the devil , so that almost a thousand category of rare animals to extinction. people ah ,transient disinfection, get up up , protecting the earth, defend the surroundings, protect human life to their families mm globe !
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